Inquiry / Request for Quotation

National Traffic Safety Campaign in Autumn, 2008

The Autumn National Traffic Safety Campaign begins today.

This year’s national focus is,

“Ensure safe passage for children and the elderly and prevent traffic accidents involving elderly drivers.”

“Preventing Traffic Accidents at Dusk and at Night While Walking and Riding a Bicycle.”

“Ensure that all seats are properly fastened with seat belts and child restraints.”

Eradicate drunk driving.”

The following is a summary of the results of the survey.

The period is from September 21 to 30. Everyone is encouraged to follow traffic rules and drive safely to avoid accidents.

Please feel free to call us

For large sightseeing buses for charter bus trips and expeditions, contact Sanuma Kotsu. We look forward to your request for a quotation and consultation.

Sanuma Kotsu Co.
